3 tips for migrating to the cloud

Are you wondering where to start when migrating to the cloud? Our CTO has 3 great tips for the beginning for you:

1. Your application must be cloud-native

“Switch to software from your cloud vendor, managed services (SaaS) or choose software developed natively for the cloud.”

Instead of following the words “let’s install it”, look for the managed service and just provision it!

2. Focus on setting up your security

Do not get too enthusiastic! Before you provision any managed service, make sure you have enabled the relevant security protocols and standards.

So – encrypt, enforce and test it!

“If it has not been tested, it has not been done” – Kjersti Bøe

3. Monitoring usage and save $$$

Since reducing the costs is one of the benefits of cloud, you must monitor your usage. It means you have to work on optimising usage and shutting down the services that no longer being used.

Therefore: monitore it and fix it!

Bonus tip

There are definitelly more to know! You can visit the medium.com and get more details about these 3 tips for migrating to the cloud. Besides, our CTO shared a bonus tip there.

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